Neil Jun 27, 20223 min readBroad Bean, Mint and Pancetta Tagliatelle It's been a while since I posted and it seems to be the time of year for foodie posts. The end of June saw a quick return from garden...
Neil Jun 2, 20226 min readSoup KitchenI have not posted for a while but life has been good during April and May so I have a few posts to catch up on. Waking up with nothing...
Neil Apr 10, 20223 min readBlack Gold for the Red Duke Early April finds me home at Oaklands after 3 months in Dubai - summoned for a meeting at the office in London. I was due to come home...
Neil Dec 31, 20204 min readHeritage Avenue We have been blessed by a light covering of snow over the in-between Christmas and New Year Days that are so enjoyable. I have had about...
Neil Nov 24, 20203 min readArtichoke Harvest and Mark 1 Pizza OvenI am back in the sandpit of Dubai for the run up to Christmas but have a few developments back at Oaklands that I can catalogue in the...
Neil Sep 8, 20206 min readRoasted Turk's Turban for Supper I flew home from Dubai a couple of weeks ago to break up what would otherwise have been another 3 month period of family separation. As...
Neil Jul 7, 20204 min readPotager Update It has been good over the last 3 weeks to finally get stuck into planting and "working" in the Potager. I have not written much at all....
Neil Jun 17, 20202 min readWhere to Start ? I left Dubai on 12 June and ran the gauntlet of heat sensors, forms and four hour check-ins to make it back to Herefordshire in time for...
Neil Jun 6, 20205 min readLe Potager était Terminé - Bring on the Brassicas There is a small rogue piece of hoggin that that still needs completing in this picture from the Woodland Way into the main raised bed...
Neil May 29, 20205 min readLast Minute Extras For the Garden But Less of MeWe have been talking about the "Avenue" and whether it should be flanked with a row of trained Apple trees or even just some very low...
Neil Apr 26, 20204 min readVegetable Plan I - Crop Rotation I have been putting off starting to set down any kind of plan for quite a few weeks but from a practical point of view it would be better...