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Our Few Acres

Creating a garden, restoring a wood, growing our own food and giving nature a helping hand

Home: Welcome

Mile of Blue

The garden in full flower at the summer solstice

Life Suspended

A winter garden in rural Herefordshire, and change is afoot.


Moving into the colder months, the garden still has a lot to give.

Soup Kitchen

I have not posted for a while but life has been good during April and May so I have a few posts to catch up on. Waking up with nothing...

Black Gold for the Red Duke

Early April finds me home at Oaklands after 3 months in Dubai - summoned for a meeting at the office in London. I was due to come home...

Heritage Avenue

We have been blessed by a light covering of snow over the in-between Christmas and New Year Days that are so enjoyable. I have had about...

Artichoke Harvest and Mark 1 Pizza Oven

I am back in the sandpit of Dubai for the run up to Christmas but have a few developments back at Oaklands that I can catalogue in the...

Roasted Turk's Turban for Supper

I flew home from Dubai a couple of weeks ago to break up what would otherwise have been another 3 month period of family separation. As...

Potager Update

It has been good over the last 3 weeks to finally get stuck into planting and "working" in the Potager. I have not written much at all....

Where to Start ?

I left Dubai on 12 June and ran the gauntlet of heat sensors, forms and four hour check-ins to make it back to Herefordshire in time for...

Vegetable Plan I - Crop Rotation

I have been putting off starting to set down any kind of plan for quite a few weeks but from a practical point of view it would be better...

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