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Our Few Acres

Creating a garden, restoring a wood, growing our own food and giving nature a helping hand

Home: Welcome

Bunnies, Bolder

December vanished in a cloud of cooking and consuming, yet kept us on our toes in the garden with a helter-skelter of temperatures...

Heritage Avenue

We have been blessed by a light covering of snow over the in-between Christmas and New Year Days that are so enjoyable. I have had about...

Papillon Days

Back in the sand for a while, and the old carport potager is getting its annual update. I have been cultivating this little corner of...

Artichoke Harvest and Mark 1 Pizza Oven

I am back in the sandpit of Dubai for the run up to Christmas but have a few developments back at Oaklands that I can catalogue in the...

A Light Bulb Moment

Here we are, already in November, and that panicky feeling of time running out snakes around me. The last month has been an odd...

Biting the Fungal Bullet

I was called back to the UK by an illness in the family a couple of weeks ago but once my duties as a carer were done I was able to grab...

Wood for the Trees

Back to Herefordshire after a few weeks away back in the Gulf, and the lists of jobs are multiplying fast. There has been plenty of rain...

Bounty Hunters

The tree is groaning, branches touching the ground with the weight of fruit. We inherited a Bramley apple tree here, the British cooking...

Tom Putt Comes Home ?

It is a year since we sat pouring over heritage apple trees at the kitchen table at Oaklands and selected a number of trees including...

Roasted Turk's Turban for Supper

I flew home from Dubai a couple of weeks ago to break up what would otherwise have been another 3 month period of family separation. As...

Amber Warnings

Acorns and walnuts are scattered across the meadow and driveway like battered Christmas baubles. Any thoughts that countless hazy days...

Buzzards and Brassicas

July has slipped into August, and that odd feeling of racing against the horticultural clock is creeping in. First light is now...

July Skies

A tempestuous month thus far. Lockdown (or lack of it) provokes fierce debate, face masks assume greater significance than simple...

Potager Update

It has been good over the last 3 weeks to finally get stuck into planting and "working" in the Potager. I have not written much at all....

Hotting Up

The solstice has passed and we are in high summer splendour - blazing blue skies, thunderstorms, soft mornings and light nights. ...

Where to Start ?

I left Dubai on 12 June and ran the gauntlet of heat sensors, forms and four hour check-ins to make it back to Herefordshire in time for...

Passports please

Happily it is a week of inbound travel. After three months locked down in Dubai by himself, Neil is jumping through the many and various...

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