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Our Few Acres

Creating a garden, restoring a wood, growing our own food and giving nature a helping hand

Home: Welcome


Returned! I have not been here for six weeks, and so much has changed. While I was away, the UK has been battered by torrential rains,...


In Norse mythology Yggdrassil (pronounced "Eggdrazil") is the father Ash tree who holds up the sky. His highest branches in the heavens...

Pick ‘n’ Mix

Choosing plants. The most exciting thing in the world for any gardener, but especially when you have the thrill of a new garden to...

On the Move

Typically I spend a month in the UK, then a month in Dubai, and so on. This provides a useful brake on over-hasty plans and an...

The Mighty Ken

Ken is the quiet man talking to my wife Jane on the left of the photo. On the right is his JCB. All I can say is that Ken + one machine...

Bluebell Seed and Delivery Anxiety

It has taken the best part of a week on and off to get the cleared section of woodland back to how I left it. Stumps have been taken down...

Laurel Counter-Attack

I came back to the UK on 22 August to be confronted by the resurgence of every single laurel stump in Indonesia ! I was expecting it but...

Habanero Hot Sauce

Actually a mixture of habanero and red peppers in a pickling brine. The idea is to pickle first and then to whizz into a sauce. Despite...

Gherkins in 45 Degree Heat

Today it is 45 degrees in Dubai. I have no idea what that is in real money as I now think in Centigrade. I do know that the weather...

Direction of Travel

Jane and Cheryl seem to have cooked up something fabulous. I am very excited. I love the split between the formal and the wild - work...

Sauerkraut & Vegetable Beds

Part of the plan with Oaklands is grow our own food and for a few years at least have a crack at a much more self-sustainable existence....

Puffball - Calvatia Gigantia

I guess a bit of foraging was always on the cards at some stage. Over by the compost bins I found these two puffballs. I have left one...

Red Admiral - Vanessa Atalanta

A nautical addition to the butterflies list. This beautiful butterfly was encountered in a new glade I have cut off the edge of a ride....

A Few Snaps of "Indonesia"

I am not clear felling obviously but taking out all the invasive laurel to open up the wood floor. With light the blue bells, primroses...

Summer Progress and Archeology

We took out a long conifer hedge yesterday with the help of my Brother-in-law Mickey and a 24 inch chainsaw. The resulting bonfire was...

Ringlet - Aphantopus hyperantus

We are all hard at work at the house this week - chopping and burning. Meanwhile in the meadow a new butterfly has taken centre stage....

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