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Our Few Acres

Creating a garden, restoring a wood, growing our own food and giving nature a helping hand

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Common Toad - Bufo bufo

My eldest son Elliot was clearing some Ivy from the kitchen garden wall and let out a triumphant cry. A triumphant walk follwed with...

Rafting Laurel

I am back for a few days over Easter and getting stuck in again to cutting back the Laurel and building rafts with the smaller branches...

From sand to clay

In December 2008, we moved from the UK’s damp and cool northwest to Dubai. Not long prior to this I had decided I wanted to change...

Common Frog - Rana temporaria

I was clearing a particularly grating Cotoneaster close to the porch the other week. Within this foul overgrown evergreen I found a rough...

Car Port Potager

Coming back to Dubai and leaving Jane in Herefordshire at the barn I had a new appreciation of the carport potager. I have talked about...

Moving on Down

I have been prevented from posting by a lack of Wifi at the new home but we have now achieved something like 4 meg yesterday. It will be...

Kale is Beautiful

I started growing Kale this year - because I felt I ought to. Also the "idea" of Cavolo Nero was somehow all Italian and moody. In short...

Space Maths

How much space will we have ? Space maths has been blowing my mind all week. I love maps and plans. When we got the estate agent details...

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