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  • Writer's pictureNeil

A Few Snaps of "Indonesia"

I am not clear felling obviously but taking out all the invasive laurel to open up the wood floor. With light the blue bells, primroses and original understorey will have a chance to reestablish itself. I am becoming more confident wielding my chainsaw and the process of stripping the poles and burning the brash is becoming more efficient. I think of myself as a human wave eroding a cliff. It will take time.

I love that old wood shed - now well lit as the conifer behind it has been taken out.

A new pile developing now in another outbuilding. We will need a very secure flue to burn all this cyanide impregnated laurel.

Smoke drifting across the logging activities.

The big entrance "Hall" opening up.

Breaking through the Laurel reveals the true canopy which is beautiful against the sky this week. I seem to do little else I am here but at least we took delivery of a Weber which allows me to cook and sit out with a beer at the end of a long day's wood clearance.

I have I think 5 full days left here and then won't be back until late August/early September. I am just going to go hell for leather on the wood perhaps 8-10 hours a day and see what can be achieved, If I can break through to the path on the Eastern side and the Ride down the middle that would start really open up the interior a bit - next punch a hole down through the centre to Sam's hammock glade. Thats a good 30-40 m to get through.

I will post again before I leave just to show the full extent.

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